Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where has the time gone?!

I have come to the realization that I am a HUGE slacker when it comes to updating our blog. Things tend to get a little crazy in our lives and I find myself with too much to do and not enough time to do it in!
Let's see... I am working part-time in the evenings at Altoona Family Chiropractic (again) to help get their accounts up-to-date and assist with billing/insurance issues. Kevin had surgery on his right elbow to repair a damaged tendon and is still healing (and will be for awhile). The kids are doing well ~ Kaye is looking forward to summer, Sam doesn't want school to be over and Alex... well, Alex is Alex and just marches to the beat of his own drum.
We do have a new addition to our family... kitty Sox joined our family at the end of March and her and kitty Bob are FINALLY getting adjusted to each other.

Many Blessings... The Altoona Hough's


Lisa said...

Sox is so cute! It looks like he has a little goatee!

Lisa said...

My apologies, Sox ... it looks like SHE has a little goatee! :)